The numbers don't lie.

Recent weeks have seen growing concern and economic stress related to coronavirus. The Housing Market Index is has seen a steady increase and only a slight dip recently. One key to helping our economic recovery is the housing and home construction market. We at All Florida are striving to keep our team working and are here to create the perfect home for your family.
Don't put off for the future what you can start planning for today. Give us a call!

As you can see above the cost of framing and lumber is down, just another positive reason to look at building your home today.

Here you can see the changes in the Housing Market Index since January of 2018, there was a drop in early 2019 then a steady rise with a minor drop at the start of 2020.  

If you are wondering if now is the time to start your next project give a call, let's discuss what the current market means for you.
